Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chemistry Definition - How Important Is The Definition?

Chemistry Definition - How Important Is The Definition?During a heated discussion at work, some coworkers would ask me the chemical definition of 'significant figures'. The answers that I gave to them were such that it was either hilarious or mildly confusing to them. They came up with all sorts of words that, you could find more about in the sections below.Stokes and Huggins' Chemical Equation are the most famous Chemical Definition. However, it does not make much sense in itself. Why did we need that?For starters, Stokes' equation is a very simple equation. It includes only the chemical elements, 'NH', and,' 2P', which are the basis of all chemical reactions. On top of that, it is also non-specific. All we need to know is what reactions can be induced by adding those two elements.But as soon as you start to discover more complex reactions like the reaction of ammonia with water, Stokes' equation starts to make sense. At first, it was difficult to understand what we are getting into . But when you learn about the different chemical reactions between ammonia and water, you will find that it makes a lot of sense. Or at least, it should make sense to the person who used to use it.Of course, Stokes' equation is now being used in many universities and colleges to teach chemistry and chemical analysis. And the equation is also used in the official scientific reports and to describe the chemical reactions that are taking place during analytical experiments. The reason why it is popular is because it is easy to understand, and because it gives a good overview about the various chemical reactions.The next chemical definition I heard was that, 'You cannot use Stokes' equation to describe organic chemistry, because it doesn't mention any chemical reactions that involve chemicals other than oxygen and nitrogen. However, this statement is based on misunderstandings, which are easily refuted in other ways.You can easily relate Stokes' equation to other reactions that involve gases, like Gas Chromatography. In fact, that's the reason why the students in the introductory courses of gas chromatography come to know that the study of Stokes' equation is important in their life. No matter what you do, if you want to really understand how Stokes' equation works, then you have to study Gas Chromatography.

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